Tag der offenen Tür

Open Day at the Elbphilharmonie

On 21 and 22 October the time has come again: the Elbphilharmonie opens its doors! Last year, around 17,000 visitors explored the foyers, concert halls and backstage areas. A look back at the event.

Our Open Day offered people a chance to get to know completely new parts of the Elbphilharmonie.  They were able to discover the building on their own initiative, including  places normally off bounds to the public: from the dressing rooms of the international stars and the stage tech to the admin offices and the adjoining hotel. More than 140 members of staff were in attendance to present »their« Elbphilharmonie . And there was plenty to interest music lovers as well, with a whole number of concert acts on four different stages – and you could sit where you wanted. »Pretty cool to just be able to sit in the first row for the organ recital,« said a young visitor from Karlsruhe.

»I've already been to the Elbphilharmonie numerous times, and now I'm really looking forward to taking a look behind the scenes!«

Patrick from Hamburg

21. & 22. 10. 2023

Musik im Großen Saal, in den Foyers und auf der Plaza, Instrumenten-Workshops zum Mitmachen, Kurztouren in den Backstagebereich, Technik-Shows im Kleinen Saal sowie Vorführungen an der Orgel und den hauseigenen Konzertflügeln. Außerdem bietet das »The Westin Hamburg« Hotel in der Elbphilharmonie Kurz-Führungen an.


Another special feature of our Open Day were the guided tours of the backstage area, which is normally only accessible to staff and artists. One visitor from Hamburg was fascinated to find that the conductor's dressing room contains a bathtub: »I bet that's great, relaxing in the bath before a concert!« In the Grand Hall, Open Day offered the public presentations of the organ, the piano and the technical equipment. »At the outset I was a bit apprehensive about the technical tour because we were so high up,« one Hamburg visitor recalls. »But the tour was actually a great experience: it was quite exciting climbing around above the auditorium.«

Der Tag der offenen Tür in Bildern

Tag der offenen Tür: Technikführung im Großen Saal Tag der offenen Tür: Technikführung im Großen Saal © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür: Konzert Tag der offenen Tür: Konzert © Claudia Höhne
None © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür: Die Büros der Mitarbeiter:innen Tag der offenen Tür: Die Büros der Mitarbeiter:innen © Claudia Höhne
Open Days Open Days © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür Tag der offenen Tür © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür: Freundeskreis Infostand Tag der offenen Tür: Freundeskreis Infostand © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür: Workshop Tag der offenen Tür: Workshop © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür Tag der offenen Tür © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür Tag der offenen Tür © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür: Workshop Tag der offenen Tür: Workshop © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür Tag der offenen Tür © Claudia Höhne
Tag der offenen Tür: Technikpräsentation im Kleinen Saal Tag der offenen Tür: Technikpräsentation im Kleinen Saal © Claudia Höhne

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