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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Alexandre Kantorow

»The reincarnated Liszt« – Alexandre Kantorow in the Elbphilharmonie’s piano storeroom.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Nahre Sol

Ringtone recomposed: YouTube star and composer Nahre Sol takes an iconic iPhone ringtone on a voyage through a myriad of musical styles.

Creator in Residence: Nahre Sol

YouTuber, pianist, composer: As Creator in Residence, Nahre Sol is a regular guest at the Elbphilharmonie in the 2023/24 season.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Chief Xian aTunde Adjuah (Christian Scott)

The charismatic New Orleans trumpeter plays a session on the Elbphilharmonie Plaza.

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: How is a concert grand piano made?

From the lumber yard to the Elbphilharmonie stage: pianist and YouTube sensation Nahre Sol pays a visit to the Steinway factory in Hamburg.

Tube Talks

A ride on Europe’s longest escalator takes two and a half minutes – enough time to have a little chat with our celebrity guests.

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: Concert documentary: »Saint François d’Assise«

Olivier Messiaen’s monumental opera »Saint François d’Assise« in the Grand Hall – a look back at one of the most spectacular projects in Elbphilharmonie history.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Quatuor Ébène

The world class quartet with blissfully spirited music by Mozart in the beautiful ambience of the Laeiszhalle.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Théotime Langlois de Swarte & Thomas Dunford

Two audience favourites from France perform an early music hit in the foyer of the Recital Hall.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Lakecia Benjamin

The celebrated jazz saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin brings her single »New Mornings« to the Grand Hall.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Pablo Barragán

For a very special »Elbphilharmonie Session«, the world-renowned clarinettist Pablo Barragán turns Hamburg’s St. Nikolai Memorial into a concert space.

Elbphilharmonie Innerview: LiLa

Creating balance: the young cellist LiLa talks about nature having a special place in her heart and what it has in common with music.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Julia Hagen

The young star cellist Julia Hagen fills the Elbphilharmonie car park with music by Sofia Gubaidulina

Elbphilharmonie Innerview: Sean Shibe

Bringing music to life – here and now. The guitarist Sean Shibe talks about his self-image as an artist, planning concert programmes and thinking ahead with the classical guitar

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Anna Lapwood – Vol. I

The young star organist fills the Grand Hall with the sound of Ludovico Einaudi’s »Experience«.

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: Elbphilharmonie Explains: Franz Liszt’s Sonata in B Minor

»This work is like an image of life itself« – Nahre Sol talks about Franz Liszt’s famous Sonata in B Minor and shows how the composer creates an entire world from just a few motifs.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Voces Suaves

The Swiss vocal ensemble sings Claudio Monteverdi’s madrigal »O come è gran martire« on the attic of the Hamburg Laeiszhalle.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Martynas Levickis

Musical boat trip: the Lithuanian accordion star plays live on the Elbe.

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: Elbphilharmonie Sessions: Rosaceae

A multi-media project by the artist Rosaceae: impressive electro echoes down the concert hall’s endless corridors.

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: Elbphilharmonie Explains: The composer Luigi Nono

»You can’t escape his music« – The musicologist Prof. Friedrich Geiger on Luigi Nono and his fascinating, politically relevant music.