
Live: Distant sounds

The popular concerts for people with and without dementia on video.

It's often sounds and melodies that bring back long-forgotten memories. In the »Distant Sounds« series, the Elbphilharmonie and Ensemble Resonanz aim to reach dementia sufferers and their relatives and carers. The programmes feature catchy works from music history, interspersed with well-known songs where people can join in. Now the lovingly designed concerts are available on video as well.

Thoughts are free :Part 1

Welcome to the first instalment of »Distant Sounds« in the Recital Hall of the Laeiszhalle! The 20-minute concert features music from 18th century Italian composer Luigi Boccherini to minimal-music pioneer Philip Glass – and an old song that has been giving people courage for over 200 years.

Dat du min Leevsten büst :Part 2

»That you are my darling« – thus the translation of this old Hamburg folk song that goes back to the 18th century. In this entertaining instalment, we also hear music by Mozart, Schumann and the Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara as well as other songs where people can join in, wonderfully arranged by violinist Gregor Dierck.

The moon has risen :Part 3

The evening is closing in – time for an atmospheric programme on the subject of night. With Mozart’s famous »Eine kleine Nachtmusik«, a piece about the sleeping god Pan, and a goodnight song where the audience can join in.

The world is beautiful :Part 4

Italy, Persia and Peru – the fourth instalment of »Distant Sounds« takes us to these distant places. With plenty of opportunity to sing along, and with pieces ranging from Baroque masters like Marco Uccellini to modern composer György Ligeti. A couple of exotic birds have made a nest here as well.

»Distant Sounds«: The Series

»A concert like this is like Christmas for me.« A report on »Distant Sounds« in the Hamburg Laeiszhalle.

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