A glimpse of Naples in Hamburg: Italian singer-songwriter FLO brings the sound of her home city to life on an evening in the Elbphilharmonie’s foyer. Performing in the wine bar overlooking Hamburg’s port, she presents two songs from her programme »Canzone di Sale« – atmospheric music that has earned this versatile artist much acclaim in Italy and far beyond.
»My music is a mix between Neapolitan tradition and my original songs.«

The Artist
She is one of Italy’s most versatile artists: Floriana Cangiano, FLO for short, is a singer-songwriter, author and actress. In November 2024, the Neapolitan-born singer enchanted audiences in Hamburg during the »Viva Napoli« festival at the Elbphilharmonie. In a trio with guitarist Federico Luongo and multi-instrumentalist Francesco Di Cristofaro, she showcased her programme »Canzone di sale,« an exhilarating fusion of canzone, chanson, pop, Latin, jazz, and folk. »I see myself as a singer-songwriter in the tradition of the Italian »cantautori«,« FLO says. »But I reinterpret this tradition in a new, personal language. I tell stories about the Italian south, and particularly about the women.«
FLO vocals
Federico Luongo guitar
Francesco Di Cristofaro baglamash, accordion

In the »Canzone di sale«, inspired by the sea and lively coastal towns, she naturally turns her attention to her home city of Naples: »I was born there, and my whole family lives there.« Through her music, FLO narrates the stories that unfold in her city – tales of love, longing, freedom, loss, and the everyday struggles of life. »I draw on traditional songs but I also create my own, offering a modern, contemporary perspective on the city,« she explains.
»Per Guardarti Meglio«
The location
In the unique foyer landscape of the Grand Hall, there are bars on almost all floors offering drinks and light snacks before concerts and during the interval – with panoramic views included. On the 15th floor, a cosy wine bar tucked beside the staircase offers a breathtaking view over Hamburg’s port.
Good to know: The harbour bar on the 12th floor stays open for an hour after the event ends, serving long drinks in addition to its regular drinks menu.

Udo Potratz Recording & Mixing
Jannes Freckmann Sound Assistant
Maik Neumann / Nils Kohstall Camera
Nils Kohstall Edit
Mike Neumann Technical Project Management
Julika von Werder Production Management
About the series
Artists record exclusive music videos at the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle for Elbphilharmonie Sessions – sometimes in unusual locations offstage. Discover the concert halls from the inside. Discover what they sound like.