Mediatheque Stories tagged #Team
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Programmhefte, Einführungen oder Mediatheksartikel: Die Redaktion der Elbphilharmonie produziert Information über Musik in jedem nur denkbaren Format. #Backstage #Team
: Introducing: The box office
»Enjoy your evening!« – day after day, our box-office staff do their best to make sure that concertgoers enjoy an unforgettable evening. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
: Introducing: the reception desk in the Elbphilharmonie
You often see bewildered faces in the backstage area: Where’s my dressing room? Which access card do I need for the cafeteria? Thankfully, the reception desk staff are always at hand! #Backstage #Portrait #Team
: Presenting: Our guided tours
»Did you know that…?« Without our guides and their comprehensive tours of the building, the Elbphilharmonie’s guests would undoubtedly miss out on one or two things. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
: Presenting: The technical team
They are responsible for ensuring that the lighting and sound are as they should be, and that the stagecraft is working: luckily, the technical team is always on hand. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
: Introducing: Artistic Planning
Planning, organising and overseeing concerts – the Artistic Planning team is the heart of the concert hall. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
: Introducing: the front-of-house staff
Friends and helpers in shirts and tails: the Elbphilharmonie’s front-of-house staff introduces itself. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
: Introducing: Technical Services and Logistics
In the right place at the right time – nothing would work in the Elbphilharmonie without the »Technical Services and Logistics« team. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
The Stream Team
The Elbphilharmonie is regularly transformed into a digital concert hall. Meet the team! #Backstage #Team
Closely synchronised
A night spent with the Elbphilharmonie technicians. #Backstage #Portrait #Team
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