
Elfi Baby Concerts in digital form

The popular concerts for young families and expectant mothers in short video episodes.

The Elfi baby concerts invite pregnant women, parents and their babies to take a break together: with string music in the background and tunes to hum along to, young families and expectant mothers can relax, listen to the music and join in if they want to. These concerts normally take place in the Elbphilharmonie. But now they are available in special digital versions adapted to the current situation, which you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home. Have fun singing along, winding down and discovering!

Live and on-site

Epidode 1: The Moon has risen

Series 2: : Brüderchen, komm tanz' mit mir

Series 3: Do you know how many stars there are?

Episode 4: In Mutters Stübele

Episode 5: Lala, Mtoto Lala

Episode 6: Hört, ihr Herrn, und lasst euch sagen

Episode 7: Heut kommt der Hans zu mir

Episode 8: Schön ist die Welt

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