Aline Sauer und Christina Geiger

About blue slippers and prancing violins

Two artists design amazing costumes for the music of the »Elbphilharmonie Visions« festival. About an out-of-the-ordinary project.

»We had a lot of fun getting into contemporary music,« says costume designer Aline Sauer about the music of the »Elbphilharmonie Visions« festival. »It was a completely new listening experience. It wasn't always pleasant to listen to – sometimes it was even hard on the ears.« And her colleague Christina Geiger likewise found the music hard going here and there. But exciting at the same time, challenging and not unharmonious.

Everything started with an advert placed by the Hamburg College of Applied Science. The assignment was to develop costumes for the contemporary-music festival »Elbphilharmonie Visions«, based on a playlist. For the two artists, who usually contribute to theatre or opera productions, the project represented a totally new approach. »There was no plot for us to base our work on. It's not often that you have the opportunity to work so freely as a costume designer.«

A visit to the studio: An interview with costume designers Aline Sauer and Christina Geiger.

The two designers approached the assignment in very different ways. While Aline gave her imagination free rein and drew continuously on a roll of paper while listening to the music, Christina explored the history of contemporary music. Very individual costumes were the outcome, which show how much people's perception of contemporary music varies, how imaginative such music is and how it touches the listener.

The costumes in motion

In the documentary the two artists describe how they created the costumes, which as the final step were brought to life by dancers in the Elbphilharmonie. In this way, the music literally  dances through the building, moving playfully or menacingly, slowly or fast. Offering the public a new and more visual approach to contemporary music that is by no means as abstract as many people may suppose. If we have piqued your curiosity, you may be interested in viewing the actual costumes: they will be on display in the Elbphilharmonie during the festival, are are well worth looking at!

Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Philipp Seliger
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Philipp Seliger
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Philipp Seliger
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Philipp Seliger
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Philipp Seliger
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Philipp Seliger
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Max Motel
Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm Elbphilharmonie Visions Kostüm © Max Motel

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