Creative Orchestra – Ages 16+

For those who love to experiment, with or without an instrument: the Creative Orchestra produces music using anything that makes a sound

Elbphilharmonie Kreativorchester
Elbphilharmonie Kreativorchester © Claudia Höhne

The Creative Orchestra is the place for those who want to try their hand at music in a casual setting. No previous knowledge is needed: the orchestra makes music with joy and in an unconventional way. An artistic team introduces participants to music with rhythms and improvisations. It’s a great opportunity to experiment on traditional instruments, everyday objects and your own body.

Rehearsal day & time: Mondays, 17:00–19:00
Rehearsal venue: Elbphilharmonie Kaistudio
First autumn rehearsal: 7 September 2023
First spring rehearsal: 1 February 2024

Participation is free of charge.

Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie

From the Mediatheque : Videos, Podcasts, Articles

The Elbphilharmonie’s join-in ensembles

The Audience Orchestra, the Gamelan Ensemble and the Creative Orchestra introduce themselves.

Stories with the hashtag #JoinIn

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