Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band

»Kings Highway« – Jazz Drums

This concert has already taken place! 28
This concert has already taken place! 28
Brian Blade (second from the right) & The Fellowship Band
Brian Blade (second from the right) & The Fellowship Band © Mimi Chakarova
  • Doors open 19:30

  • Start 20:30

  • End ca. 22:00

One for all, all for one

With Brian Blade, one of the currently most influential jazz drummers comes to the Elbphilharmonie. He played alongside Wayne Shorter, Danilo Perez and John Patitucci in the legendary Wayne Shorter Quartet for two decades, sat at the drums with music greats, such as Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Brad Mehldau, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Rebekka Bakken and John Scofield, and enhanced albums by Bob Dylan and Norah Jones with his bespoke beats. The astounding variability with which he can adapt his playing to the stylistic approaches of any music has so far earned him four Grammy Awards.

Thankfully, despite the many projects, he still drums with his »Fellowship Band«, which he established more than 25 years ago with the ideally matched jazz pianist Jon Cowherd. In the past year, with »Kings Highway«, the band has now released its seventh studio album. Here, the instruments once again blend into a perfectly harmonious sound. »Everyone adds so much and everyone takes care of the needs of the others,« explained a long-standing band member of the irresistible magic of this unique constellation.

Auftakt: Die Audio-Einführung


The Fellowship Band

Melvin Butler tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone
Myron Walden alto saxophone, bass clarinet
Jon Cowherd piano
Roland Guerin bass
Brian Blade drums


»Kings Highway«


Jazz at the Elbphilharmonie

Jazz Drums

Promoter: HamburgMusik

Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie

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