Audience Orchestra

90 highly motivated amateurs rehearse together in the Audience Orchestra – and even perform regularly on the Grand Hall stage

Publikumsorchester © Daniel Dittus

The Audience Orchestra is perfect for those who already have experience playing in an orchestra. Around 90 dedicated amateur musicians rehearse at a high level with the orchestra in the Kaispeicher every week. Then, twice each season, they take their instruments up to the Grand Hall for a public concert, and give other performances in Hamburg city districts. Their recent concerts featured performances of Hector Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique as well as film music and more unusual works.

Rehearsal day & time: Wednesdays, 19:15–21:45
Rehearsal venue: Elbphilharmonie Kaistudio
First autumn rehearsal: 6 September 2023
First spring rehearsal: 7 February 2024

Monthly participation fee: €10

With the support of Aurubis AG
In cooperation with the Hamburger Konservatorium

From the Mediatheque : Videos, Podcasts, Articles

5 questions for a Musician from the Audience

The Elbphilharmonie's Audience Orchestra brings together keen amateur musicians. Contrabassoonist Michael Vitzthum has been a member from the outset.

The Elbphilharmonie’s join-in ensembles

The Audience Orchestra, the Gamelan Ensemble and the Creative Orchestra introduce themselves.

Stories with the hashtag #JoinIn

Exciting activities, videos and information about the Elbphilharmonie's join-in ensembles.