Romitelli: An Index of Metals

Daisy Press / phace

This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 22 | 31
This event has already taken place! 9 | 15 | 22 | 31

The »Index of Metals« is Fausto Romitelli’s last legacy as a composer. With his so-called video opera of 2004, the Italian composer, who died at an early age, declared every genre boundary invalid. »The focus of my compositions is the idea of sound as matter that one dives into.« In the process, his search for suitable material ranged to subculture music, to pop, rock and techno.

Romitelli wanted to plunge the listener into »a magma of flowing tones, shapes and colours«. The »Index of Metals« aims at synaesthesia, the combination of light, picture and sound into a single sensuous experience.

To achieve this, the electronically filtered soprano of Daisy Press is integrated into an ensemble of eleven musicians who play both classical and electronic instruments. Video images created by Paolo Pachini are projected on to three screens to form a scenic backdrop.


Daisy Press voice

PHACE – Ensemble für neue Musik ensemble

Sylvie Lacroix flute

Markus Sepperer oboe

Walter Seebacher clarinet

Thomas Fleißner trumpet

Stefan Obmann trombone

Tom Pauwels electric guitar

Manuel Mayr bass guitar

Mathilde Hoursiangou keyboard

Ivana Pristašová violin

Petra Ackermann viola

Roland Schueler violoncello

conductor Nacho de Paz


Fausto Romitelli
An Index of Metals / Video-Oper für Sopran, Ensemble, multimediale Projektion und Elektronik

Estimated end time



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