Twinkle Concert S / Obotaqua

Children’s Concert: Ages 1–3

This concert has already taken place! 12
This concert has already taken place! 12
© Claudia Höhne

The magical trio

This musical performance combines three elements, the oboe, dance and the quanun, to create »Obotaqua«. The quanun (also: kanun) is a type of zither that has been used in Arab music for centuries. The instrument rubs shoulders with the oboe in the relaxed atmosphere of the Kaistudio, and blends with the dance element to produce an imaginative whole.

The »Funkelkonzerte« bring the most popular children’s productions from all over Europe to Hamburg – with marvelous music, first-class artists and sensitive staging. All the concerts come with an age recommendation: from XS to XL, from the much-loved Elfi Baby Concerts to impressive concerts for youngsters.

Programme (booklet)


Syriab Duo

Friedrike Kayser Oboe, Englischhorn
Ibrahim Bajo kanun

Jin Lee dance

Ceren Oran concept, stage direction, choreography

Sigrid Wurzinger props, costume

Franziska Stolz music dramaturgy, concept


Music and dance theatre that bring together seemingly divergent soundscapes in an imaginative way

A production by Philharmonie Luxemburg and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Estimated end time

11:45 / 15:45


Twinkle Concerts S / Ages 1–3

Promoter: HamburgMusik

A joint production by Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Philharmonie Luxemburg

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