Rumours of Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac Tribute Concert

Tickets from €71.85 71.85 | 76.45 | 81.05
Rumours of Fleetwood Mac
Rumours of Fleetwood Mac © Matt Ford
Laeiszhalle Hamburg
Laeiszhalle Hamburg © Maxim Schulz

The sound of the 70s

In 1969, Fleetwood Mac sold more records than the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. The band’s album »Rumours« from 1977 is one of the most successful albums in music history. No wonder that a huge fan base rallied around the band – and still does today!

»Rumours of Fleetwood Mac« was established in 1999 to pay tribute to this unique band that shaped the zeitgeist of the 60s to the 90s. To call this band, consisting of seven musicians, a tribute band would be too short-sighted. »It’s about their music« is their tour motto, which they decided on several years ago. In this sense, they try to perform the music of Fleetwood Mac as faithfully as possible and, above all, to revive the spirit of this worldwide celebrated band and its time. The love of Fleetwood Mac’s music has been embodied by the Liverpool-based band for the past 24 years as they tour America, Canada, the UK and Europe – and even with the blessing of the original band’s co-founder and drummer, Mick Fleetwood: »An extraordinary emotive performance of Fleetwood Mac!«


Rumours of Fleetwood Mac

Jess Harwood lead vocals
James Harrison lead guitar, vocals
Scott Poley guitars
Étienne Girard bass guitar
Sophie Worsley keyboards, lead vocals
Dave Goldberg keyboards, lead vocals
Allan Cosgrove drums

Promoter: FKP Scorpio

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Food and Drink

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