Katharina Konradi / Catriona Morison / Song Recital

Ammiel Bushakevitz, piano – Songs by Schumann, Brahms, Fauré and others

This concert has already taken place! 13 | 24 | 37 | 53
This concert has already taken place! 13 | 24 | 37 | 53
Katharina Konradi
Katharina Konradi © Simon Pauly
Catriona Morison
Catriona Morison © Jeremy Knowles
  • Doors open 18:00

  • Pre-concert talk 18:30

  • Start 19:30

  • Interval

  • End ca. 21:30

From the Lied to the Mélodie

France calls the German art song »Le lied«. This resonates respect for this world-famous phenomenon, but also a lot of autonomy at the same time. The French art song is actually very self-confidently called »mélodie«. With Katharina Konradi and Catriona Morison, two equally top-class singers present a programme which delightfully contrasts Schumann and Brahms’ songs with their French contemporaries.

Katharina Konradi is best known to the Hamburg audience from the local State Opera, where you could already have experienced her as an ensemble member in numerous leading roles. Catriona Morison’s award-winning mezzo-soprano impresses with its »warm-earthy timbre and excellent clarity«, as the FAZ wrote about one of her song recitals.

The political and military conflicts between Germany and France in the 19th century did not stop even when it came to art – many French composers wanted to audibly break away from their neighbours. However, this does not mean that people had closed their ears to sounds beyond the border. France’s most important song composer, Gabriel Fauré, loved the classical song form just as much as Brahms. Ernest Chausson gravitated more to Richard Wagner’s free recitative.

As repertoire gems, the singer duo have brought along songs by a sister duo: the opera diva Maria Malibran died at just 28 years old and, in addition to umpteen thousands of fans, also left behind a handful of songs. Her sister Pauline Viardot-García, conversely, became very old – and is one of France’s composers absolutely worth rediscovering!


Katharina Konradi soprano

Catriona Morison mezzo-soprano

Ammiel Bushakevitz piano


Robert Schumann
Erste Begegnung / from: Spanisches Liederspiel, Op. 74
Liebesgram / from: Spanisches Liederspiel, Op. 74
Mailied / from: Mädchenlieder, Op. 103
Frühlingslied / from: Mädchenlieder, Op. 103
An die Nachtigall / from: Mädchenlieder, Op. 103
An den Abendstern / from: Mädchenlieder, Op. 103
Bedeckt mich mit Blumen / from: Spanische Liebeslieder, Op. 138

Johannes Brahms
Junge Lieder I / from: Neun Lieder und Gesänge, Op. 63
Die Mainacht / from: Vier Gesänge, Op. 43
Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer / from: Fünf Lieder, Op. 105
Ständchen / from: Fünf Lieder, Op. 106
Weg der Liebe »Über die Berge« / from: Three Duets for Soprano and Alto, Op. 20
Weg der Liebe »Den gordischen Knoten« / from: Three Duets for Soprano and Alto, Op. 20
Die Meere / from: Three Duets for Soprano and Alto, Op. 20
Die Boten der Liebe / aus: Duette für Sopran und Alt op. 61

– Interval –

Ernest Chausson
La nuit / from: Deux Duos, Op. 11
Réveil / from: Deux Duos, Op. 11

Gabriel Fauré
Pleurs d’or, Op. 72
Puisqu’ici bas / from: Deux Duos, Op. 10

Fernando J. Obradors
Coplas de Curro Dulce
El molondrón / aus: Canciones clásicas españolas, Band 4
Del cabello más sutile
El vito / aus: Canciones clásicas españolas

Pauline Viardot-García
Habanera, VWV 1019

Maria Malibran
Le prisonnier

Mélanie Bonis
Le Ruisseau / aus: Duett oder Chor für zwei Frauenstimmen und Orchester op. 21

Gabriel Fauré
Tarentelle / from: Deux Duos, Op. 10


Johannes Brahms
Die Schwestern / aus: Duette für Sopran und Alt op. 61

Camille Saint-Saëns
El desdichado

Pre-Concert Talk

with Marvin Deitz (in German)

18:30 / Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal


Song Recitals

Promoter: HamburgMusik

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