Hamburg Sings – The Choir for Everyone

Sing-Along Concert

This concert has already taken place! 24
This concert has already taken place! 24
Hamburg singt
Hamburg singt © Jörg Böh
Laeiszhalle Hamburg
Laeiszhalle Hamburg © Maxim Schulz
Niels Schröder
Niels Schröder © Maike Keller
  • Doors open 19:00

  • Start 20:00

Spaß am Singen!

The event »Hamburg Sings – The Choir for Everyone« has been bringing together Hamburg residents who love to sing for almost 10 years. It’s the biggest concert that Hamburg gives itself, so to speak: the voices of all the participants fuse into one big, impressive choral sound, accompanied by a professional live band. Everyone is welcome to join in. The words are projected onto a big screen. There are no conditions of participation and no advance preparation is required. If you simply enjoy singing, this is the right place for you!


Niels Schröder & die HamburgSingt-Band

Promoter: Der Norden singt

During your visit

Food and Drink

Before the concert and during intermissions

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