»Die verlorene Melodie« (»The Lost Melody«)

Concert for families with children aged 6+ / Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra

Elbphilharmonie Kleiner Saal
Elbphilharmonie Kleiner Saal © Claudia Höhne
  • Doors open 10:00 / 13:00

  • Start 11:00 / 14:00

With a hop and a skip, a little melody finds its way into a very eager orchestra. And, of course, everyone wants to play the melody! An argument ensues as a result, until finally a little violin takes off with the melody. Luckily the big old bass violin sets off in search of the violin and its melody...


Mitglieder des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg

Mitglieder des Landesjugendorchesters Hamburg

conductor Holly Hyun Choe


»Die verlorene Melodie«
mit Musik von Andreas N. Tarkmann

Promoter: Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

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