Imagine Freedom

A community project as colourful as Hamburg itself

Community-Projekt »Imagine Freedom«
Community-Projekt »Imagine Freedom« © Claudia Höhne
Community-Projekt »Imagine Freedom«
Community-Projekt »Imagine Freedom« © Claudia Höhne
Community-Projekt »Imagine Freedom«
Community-Projekt »Imagine Freedom« © Claudia Höhne
© g-stockstudio

What does freedom mean? Can each individual be free yet still live in peace with other people? Where does one’s own freedom begin, and where does it end? Share your thoughts on peace and freedom, and be a part of »Imagine Freedom«, a community project for creative people aged between 16 and 30!

Through a series of workshops, »Imagine Freedom« develops a performance with acting, dance and movement, song and music – and everyone on stage will help shape the action from the very beginning. The project is led by Mable Preach (director), Rike Maerten (words) and Kian Jazdi (music). Participation is free.

Seeking young people who love trying new things, developing music and choreographies, and thinking up stories. No previous knowledge necessary, but certainly welcome! Inspiration will be drawn from joint excursions, song lyrics, current political debates, music – and whatever participants are interested in.

The creative minds behind the project are also the workshop leaders: Mable Preach is a director, choreographer, curator of the FORMATION**NOW festival for urban BiPoc youth culture, and head of the Lukulule cultural and youth association. She engages critically with racism and (neo-)colonialism, and promotes empowerment. Rike Maerten is a dramaturge and has been working with Mable Opoku-Preach for a long time. Kian Jazdi is a German-Iranian musician who campaigns for more diversity in the music world. He feels equally at home with classical music and electronic music.

The project is part of the International Music Festival, which explores the theme of »War and Peace«. Registration is closed.

Rehearsal dates: 19 January 2024, 17:00–20:00 & 20 January 2024, 11:00–17:00
Other dates: always Fri/Sat every two weeks
Extra rehearsals: 18–22 Mar 2024 all day, 10–12 Apr 2024, 27–31 May 2024
At the end of the workshop, there will be a performance in the Elbphilharmonie Recital Hall on 1 June 2024.


In cooperation with LUKULULE – Musik und Tanz für Jugend e.V.