Family Orchestra

Having fun with music is the name of the game in the Family Orchestra, in which grannies, grandchildren and uncles make music together

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Elbphilharmonie Family Orchestra
Elbphilharmonie Family Orchestra © Claudia Höhne

The Family Orchestra is a diverse musical family that unites generations: children, parents, grandads and aunts play side by side here. »It’s an incredible spirit«, says conductor Christine Philippsen from the State Youth Music School Hamburg. The works are arranged in a way that allows beginners to play along – the focus is firmly on enjoying making music together.

Rehearsal day & time: Tuesdays, 18:00–19:30
Rehearsal venue: Elbphilharmonie Kaistudio
First rehearsal: 10 September 2024

Monthly participation fee: € 10

Supported by the Stiftung Elbphilharmonie
In cooperation with the Staatliche Jugendmusikschule Hamburg