Landgren / Wollny / Danielsson / Haffner


This event has already taken place! 33 | 44 | 49.50 | 55
This event has already taken place! 33 | 44 | 49.50 | 55

Stars of the International Jazz Scene on Tour

In time-honoured tradition, the annual JazzNights send stars of the jazz scene on tour through Germany’s concert halls. This time round the line-up consists of four well-versed musicians: the »consummate master of the keyboard« (FAZ) Michael Wollny, internationally sought-after bass player Lars Danielsson, highly versatile Swedish trombonist Nils Landgren and Wolfgang Haffner, one of the best-known German percussionists.


Nils Landgren trombone

Michael Wollny piano

Lars Danielsson double bass

Wolfgang Haffner drums