Workshop: Klassiko Orchestra Instruments

for families with children aged 6+

Ticket sale starts on 3 Dec 2024 at 11:00 Tickets 8 8
Orchesterinstrumente © Sophie Wolter

Vielfalt der Orchesterinstrumente

This workshop offers a tour through the classical symphony orchestra. From the violin, cello and double bass to the trumpet and flute: participants can try them all out. And there are instruments in different sizes for youngsters and adults alike. To conclude the workshop, a little music-making session where everyone joins in shows that all the instruments harmonise.

Please note: this workshop is aimed at families with children aged six and above. Children younger than six may not participate in this workshop. All participants need a ticket.

Estimated end time

13:30 / 15:30

Promoter: HamburgMusik

Supported by Hubertus Wald Stiftung

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