»Dornröschen im Weihnachtswald«

Symphoniker Hamburg / Concert for children aged 5+

This concert has already taken place! 8.80 | 12.10 | 17.60
This concert has already taken place! 8.80 | 12.10 | 17.60
Juri Tetzlaff
Juri Tetzlaff © pgwiazda Photographie
Laeiszhalle Hamburg
Laeiszhalle Hamburg © Maxim Schulz
  • Doors open 10:00 / 13:30

  • Start 11:00 / 14:30

Fairy tale in Christmas style

The Hamburg Symphony Orchestra and KIKA presenter Juri Tetzlaff tell the fairy tale of »Sleeping Beauty« as a turbulent Christmas adventure. The young princess Aurora is cursed at her baptism and is supposed to prick herself on a spindle on her 15th birthday. But the festival passes without incident. At Christmas, no one remembers the evil curse and the girl is given a spinning wheel with a spindle as a present. Between the Christmas tree and the wrapping paper, the mischief takes its course.

Together with the audience, Juri tries to wake the sleeping beauty from her hundred-year sleep with Christmas carols. Save Sleeping Beauty! The fairy tale is one of the most popular stories of the Brothers Grimm, and Tchaikovsky wrote what he himself called his best ballet for it. The music is spectacular, colourful and rousing. A fairytale-like participatory concert with lots of Christmas magic, humour and heartbreak.

Please note: this event takes place in German.


Symphoniker Hamburg

Singin’ IDA

conductor Jason Weaver

Juri Tetzlaff Konzept, Moderation


»Dornröschen im Weihnachtswald«
Das perfekte Familienprogramm für eine märchenhafte Vorweihnachtszeit
Mit Musik aus Peter I. Tschaikowskys »Dornröschen-Suite«


Symphoniker Hamburg / Children’s Concerts Subscription (Sun, 11:00)

Symphoniker Hamburg / Children’s Concerts Subscription (Sun, 14:30)

Promoter: Symphoniker Hamburg

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