Audience Orchestra

90 highly motivated amateurs rehearse together in the Audience Orchestra – and even perform regularly on the Grand Hall stage.

Publikumsorchester © Claudia Höhne

In the Audience Orchestra, some 90 dedicated non-professionals of all ages come together to share their love for music. The requirements for participation include an intermediate level of playing, confidence in reading music and some orchestral experience. The Audience Orchestra performs twice a year in the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall and at Hamburg’s community centres. Most recently, the programme included Haydn’s »Surprise« Symphony, but also unusual pieces and film music. Michael Petermann, the Director of the Hamburger Konservatorium, conducts the orchestra.

Rehearsal day & time: Wednesdays, 19:15–21:45
Rehearsal venue: Elbphilharmonie Kaistudio
First autumn rehearsal: 18 August 2021
First spring rehearsal: 23 February 2022

Monthly participation fee: €10

Supported by Aurubis AG
In cooperation with the Hamburger Konservatorium