75 Years NDR Orchestras

Orchester des Nordwestdeutschen Rundfunks 1947
Orchester des Nordwestdeutschen Rundfunks 1947 © NDR

On 30 October 1945, the newly-formed North-West German Radio Orchestra gave its first concert in the Laeiszhalle, which had fortunately survived the war intact. In the 2020/21 season, today's Elbphilharmonie Orchestra in Residence revisits several important phases of its history with a number of concerts. A weekend commemorating  the 75th anniversary of its first public appearance features a repeat performance of the orchestra's very first concert programme, again at the Laeiszhalle. Then there is a talk show entitled »IDEAS | On Music« in NDR Studio 1, the location of the legendary recording of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with Yehudi Menuhin as soloist. The anniversary weekend is rounded off by a festival concert with that same work, together with the premiere of an orchestral piece by Mark-Anthony Turnage, jointly commissioned by the NDR and the BBC, that recalls the history of the orchestra's foundation by the two broadcasting stations.