Kindergarten Concert »Nasenoper«

Ages 3–5 | Preschool

Only bookable for kindergarten (from 3 December 2024):
Funkelkonzert © Claudia Höhne
Nasenoper © Sofie Wanten
  • Start 9:30 / 11:15

Our face

Sniffing, sneezing, blowing: the face is where things happen. The nose wants to see the world and get to know its neighbours. At the end, the eyes, the mouth and the ears get into an argument… a fabulous and wild story, inspired by the Shostakovich opera »The Nose«.


Helene Bracke vocals, concept, direction

Senne Van Loock video, guitar

Jean Bermes singer on video

Karel Van Ransbeeck concept, coaching

Wim Van de Vijver stage design

Evelyne Meersschaut costume design

Zoë Bossuyt technical implementation and production


Schnief, schneuz, Schnodder – eine Oper für kleine und große Nasen
mit Werken von Erik Satie, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn und Dmitri Schostakowitsch


School and Kindergarten Concerts / Preschool

Kindergarten Concerts / Ages 3–5

Promoter: HamburgMusik

A production by Theater de Spiegel with support of Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

During your visit

Elbphilharmonie Plaza

A public viewing platform on the 8th floor of the Elbphilharmonie

More about the Plaza

Coughing, clapping, chatting

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