Funkelkonzerte XL / Twinkle Concerts XL / Ages 7+

Elbphilharmonie's Concert Series for Children

Twinkle Concert XL / Heroïca
Twinkle Concert XL / Heroïca © Peter Fischli

»Twinkle Concerts« is a new series of children’s concerts at the Elbphilharmonie that brings the most successful productions from all over Europe to Hamburg. At times funny and playful, at others thoughtful and reflective, the series introduces children to the world of music in a special and unique way.

Every concert comes with an age recommendation to ensure that the length and content are suitable for the relevant age group – although there will naturally be a certain overlap.

All invited artists are masters in the art of using music as a language without words to create poetic or comic scenarios that children can experience intuitively. The varied programme includes a wild percussion ensemble, magical shadow play and musical buffoonery, always featuring specially composed or arranged music.

Concerts for children aged 1 to 5 take place in the Elbphilharmonie Kaistudios, concerts for children aged 5 to 7 are held in the Elbphilharmonie Recital Hall, and concerts for children aged 7 and over are performed in the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall.