Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
Characterised by repetitive melodies and rhythms, minimal music is the focus of this workshop
With minimal music, a new musical style developed in the USA from the 1960s onwards, with catchy, repetitive melodies or rhythms, so-called »patterns«. Composers like Steve Reich or Philip Glass made this style world-famous. In this workshop, participants learn about the musical style, can try out different instruments and play their own minimal music piece together at the end.
Duration: 3 hours Location: Elbphilharmonie Kaistudio
Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie with funding from the Körber Foundation’s »ZukunftsMusik«
Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
Workshop: Kosmos Minimal Music
for young people aged 16+ and adults
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