Kosmos Gamelan 2024/25

Delve into the centuries-old sound of Bali and Java – with gongs, metallophones and drums

Das Gamelan der Elbphilharmonie
Das Gamelan der Elbphilharmonie © Gilda Fernandez

Gamelan music originated many centuries ago on the Indonesian islands of Bali and Java. It is always played in a group, on gongs, metallophones, drums, xylophones, flutes and stringed instruments. The unique sound of a gamelan ensemble fascinated the composer Claude Debussy, and still has many fans in Europe. The Elbphilharmonie owns a particularly beautiful ensemble of gamelan instruments, which participants can explore in a one-day workshop.

Duration: 5 hours & 30 minutes (workshops for families); 7 hours (workshops for young people & adults) incl. break
Venue: Elbphilharmonie Kaistudios

Supported by Stiftung Elbphilharmonie with funding from the Körber Foundation’s »ZukunftsMusik«