The Elbphilharmonie sings

Gospel, pop song, sea shanty: choirs from all over northern Germany come together for a weekend at »The Elbphilharmonie sings«.

Lange Nacht des Singens
Lange Nacht des Singens © Claudia Höhne

Singing boosts the immune system, breaks down stress hormones and makes you happy – all that has been scientifically proven and was sorely missed by many choir members during the long months of lockdown. The Elbphilharmonie is therefore opening its doors for an entire weekend to bring together northern Germany’s diverse amateur choir scene. From gospel and jazz to madrigals and sea shanties: together, the ensembles fill every corner of the building with their voices. The selection of the choirs is made by a jury consisting of Andreas Schaerer (voice acrobat, Hildegard lernt fliegen), Stephan Lutermann (Lecturer, Choir director CHOREOS), Doris Vetter (Landesmusikrat Hamburg), Luiz de Godoy (Choir director, Hamburgische Staatsoper) and Ilka Berger (Elbphilharmonie Education). In addition to concerts on the Plaza, in the foyers and in the Grand Hall and Recital Hall, the singers can also take part in workshops or try something new with the voice acrobat Andreas Schaerer. And as the weekend’s highlight, the audience and the choirs gather in the Grand Hall – to sing together, of course.