Freundeskreis - About the organisation and contact details Find out more about the Freundeskreis, the team that keeps it running and how you can contact us.

About the Freundeskreis

The Freundeskreis Elbphilharmonie + Laeiszhalle e.V. has existed longer than the spectacular building from which it takes its name. The association was founded more than 25 years ago and it has been an important expression of civic engagement in Hamburg’s musical life ever since. Among its aims is also the preservation of the Laeiszhalle as a historic listed building in the heart of the city.

Each year, the Freundeskreis supports the concert programme and a variety of funding projects at both concert halls. In the current season, members have made possible a total funding amount of €350,000.

Keen to get involved?


Together with HamburgMusik gGmbH, the Freundeskreis Elbphilharmonie + Laeiszhalle e.V. is also the sponsor of the volunteer programme for the Elbphilharmonie and Laeiszhalle. The aim of the »Together for the Elbphilharmonie and Laeiszhalle« programme is to give open-minded people with an interest in music the opportunity to actively participate in the activities of the two concert halls and to use their skills in a cultural environment. If you would like to volunteer with us, please send an e-mail to:

Management of the organisation

Board members supervise the organisation on a voluntary basis and work with the administrative office to plan the organisation’s activities. The administrative office is also supported by additional volunteer staff.

The board

Alexander Birken (Chairman)
Roger Hönig (Treasurer)
Henrik Hertz
Bert E. König
Magnus Graf Lambsdorff
Katja Schmid von Linstow
Dr Ulrike Murmann


Sarah Scarr
Sarah Scarr © Kirsten Eggers

Sarah Scarr


Freundeskreis Elbphilharmonie + Laeiszhalle e.V.
Schaarsteinwegsbrücke 2
20459 Hamburg
phone: +49 40 357 666 888