Funkelkonzert M / Twinkle Concert M / Zweieinander / T(w)o-Each-Other

Children’s Concert: Ages 3-5

This event has already taken place! 5
This event has already taken place! 5

Two friends – one plays a trumpet, the other plays a tombak drum. One needs lips and breath to play, the other hands and fingers. Lo and behold: You can make all kinds of music with the instruments and the bodies, next to each other, with each other, together and alone – simply t(w)o each other!


Johannes Stange trumpet

Joss Turnbull tombak

stage direction Anselm Dalferth


Es gibt verschiedene Arten zusammen zu musizieren: nebeneinander, miteinander, zusammen und allein – zweieinander eben.

Estimated end time



Twinkle Concerts M / 3–5 Years